Vision and Mission

Our Vision

  • Reorientation to the faculty so that they could ignite the minds of the student teachers.
  • Developing willingness to work individually and in groups to maintain and preserve environment.
  • Teachers’ developing willingness to work individually and in groups to maintain and preserve environment.
  • Developing competencies in the prospective teachers and
  • Tapping all the resources including ‘Technology’ for providing sufficient learning experience to the teacher trainees.

Our Mission

  • To help the staff and students to be part of our process of National Development.
  • To develop a value system based on dignity, integrity, tolerance and self-worth through curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • To develop or upgrade competencies in teacher-trainees to meet the challenges of the new learning environments
  • To promote the quality of teaching- learning by stimulating the academic environment
  • To make use of the best in Information and Communication technology
  • To undertake extension work, guidance and counselling and personality development programs
  • To upgrade the quality of the teachers, including our faculty, through Research, Project studies, Seminars and other training programs.
  • To prepare the learners to face the challenges of the new knowledge- based economy..



  • The Institution recognizes Education as a value building activity which upholds moral, social and democratic values. It have
    made a positive impact on civic sense and social cohesion and believes that value oriented education can create an egalitarian
    society recognizes the need for value integration in management practices.
  • A well knowledgeable group of teachers’ plays a vital role in this institution. Our teachers are student friendly so the pupil can
    learn much better than they do. They can learn not only the things inside the curriculum but also many life lessons.
  • This small beautiful eco-friendly campus gives stress less time to the students. Here the beautiful garden and the greenery in
    and out of campus give a pleasant atmosphere which upholds a positive vibe to the learners’ community the entire day